Memory Organ
Suddenly, I started to forget many things. Things I have seen, people I have met, and words I have said are all slowly fading away from my memory. Trying hard to remember major events from the past, I can only piece together fragmented images. I find my memory rendering peoples' faces with no facial expression at all. More accurately, all the faces become uniform and identical. My memory turns people's faces into poker faces: neither old nor young, neither male nor female. They become a cast of actors sharing the same face and performing meaningless interaction with slightly different bodies in a scene of the utmost mundanity. This is how I remember important events; they are like a preposterous pantomime. And, my life is actually a continuation and combination of these ridiculous fragments. Come to think of it, I can't help but laugh. What else is more absurd? Oh! It must be that my memory organ is malfunctioning. I remember there is an organ in my body that is responsible for capturing memories. It is located somewhere around the lower right flank near the hip. Taking off my clothes, I look at that part of my body to find my skin there all wrinkled. There, I also find a neat, rectangular scar. Withstanding the pain, I peel open that piece of skin (actually, it does not hurt because I seem to have forgotten the sensation called pain) and find that it is empty inside, as if something used to be there however, now it is gone. "Damn!!! Who took my..." I'm choked. I cannot recall what that organ was called! |